Riding Round The Lake Songshanhu
August 28th 2016,Ugoe bicycle team and Ugoe bicycle riding amateurs went riding round the Lake Songshanhu of Dongguan city.Total riding distance is 85km.Both Ugoe team and amateurs members were enjoyed the riding.

Bicycle team of 12 members and 12 amateurs started from Ugoe office buliding which is located in Songgan Baoan district Shenzhen city.

Fine weather and good road for cycling,Songshanhu lake is one of the best place for riding and runing near Shenzhen,and it has a beautiful scenery.

Ugoe team ride with the amateurs,sharing the ride skill and experience.
We are happy to share sports.

500M sprint game.Both Ugoe riding team members and amateurs took apart in,It was a game to learn how to speed up and Sprint.

Team riding.

Amateurs enjoyed the riding.

Ugoe bicycle team Group photo at Songshanhu Lake.

Smart phone holder test.